
Our Lives Our Power

Stop Cop City
Prattonia 2020

to see more projects, please reach out to via email to request a full portfolio

Shelby Rashap

Designer, Strategist, & Project Manager

Shelby Rashap is a graphic designer, pillow maker, and textile lover from New Mexico working in Brooklyn. At Tandem NYC, she works with progressive local and congressional candidates, non-profit organizations, and grass roots movement groups. In her spare time, she is sewing pillow sculptures and making silly websites.



Our Lives Our Power
Prattonia 2020


Our Lives Our Power

      Our Lives Our Power is a guide that explains what the government controls, who represents you, and how you can influence their decisions! This guide was created in collaboration with Pam Wang and Maria Useche alongside The Center for Urban Pedagogy and The Chinese American Planning Council.

1. Cover of Our Lives Our Power

    While the effects of public policies can be widespread, the discussion and understanding of these policies are usually not. CUP’s Making Policy Public (MPP) poster series aims to make information on policy truly public: accessible, meaningful, and shared. The goal is to create opportunities for advocacy organizations to reach their constituencies better through design and for designers to engage social issues without sacrificing experimentation. 

2. Interior spread showcasing the different aspects of life that our government has influence over.
3. Main poster that describes actions that people can take to influence their government to work better for them!

    The illustrations focus on showcasing a diverse population to allow for the audience to connect with the figures in the different scenes. The colors in the pamphlet are neutral and grounded to feel human and approachable. The mix of icons, illustrations, and information starts to build an environment that is very similar to the mix of techniques used in community organizing.

4. Interior Spread
Top 1/2 describes the branches and levels of government.
Bottom 1/2 illustrates NY’s Fight for $15. 

      This publication was distributed directly by The Chinese American Planning Council to their constituents and to other advocates working in similar spaces. 

5.  The design team for the project included as illustrations on the back cover.
6. Guide in action at an Advocacy Rally in NYC. 

7. Full booklet gif

  1. Cover of Our Lives Our Power
  2. Interior spread showcasing the different aspects of life that our government has influence over.
  3. Main poster that describes actions that people can take to influence their government to work better for them!
  4. Interior Spread. Top 1/2 describes the branches and levels of government. Bottom 1/2 illustrates NY’s Fight for $15.
  5. The design team for the project included as illustrations on the back cover.
  6. Guide in action at an Advocacy Rally in NYC.
  7. Full booklet gif


Stop Cop City

Throughout the Summer of 2023, Organizers and activists across Atlanta are working to stop the development of Cop City. This effort has involved engaging people to sign a petition that will hopefully collect enough signatures to allow Cop City to be voted on during the Novemeber 2023 election. 

1. Organizers collecting petitions in Atlanta

The Atlanta Public Safety Training Center, or Cop City, is a plan to cut down at least 85 acres of forest land in Southeast Atlanta to build a police militarization center that includes a pretend city for police to train in urban warfare and control tactics.

2. Campaign Launch Event

The Stop Cop City movement represents the true Atlanta community, which is a diverse, passionate, widespread coalition of Atlanta residents, human rights organizations, educators, faith leaders, youth, students, and everyday Atlantans who are fighting for an Atlanta that works for everyone––not just corporations and powerful politicians.

3.  Social Post @copcityvote

4.  Social Post @copcityvote

  1.  Organizers collecting petitions in Atlanta
  2. Campaign Launch Event
  3. Social Post @copcityvote
  4. Social Post @copcityvote


Prattonia 2020

     Prattonia 2020 is a student designed publication that celebrates the graduating students at Pratt Institute by combining and intermixing the spaces of Pratt Institute with its ever-evolving community both within and outside the Institute’s gates.

1. Select spreads from Prattonia 2020

    Prattonia 2020 explores the inside, outside, and transitional moments of individuals at Pratt. On the inside, we connect through shared interactions, and on the outside, we interact and engage with the world. Through looking in and out simultaneously, this yearbook bridges and blurs the boundaries between the communities that define Pratt Institute.

Outside <------------------------> Inside <------------------------> Outside 

    Prattonia 2020 manifests through eight different variations in the covers. The colors chosen for the eight covers transition from dark, cool colors to warm, bright colors. When all 8 books are present and ordered properly, they resemble the colors of the sky during a rising or setting sun. This dusk/dawn color palette is prevalent throughout the books in the form of interior color spreads representing the transition this book marks in the lives of its audience. From embarking on our educations at Pratt, to becoming graduates, and from the memories and transformations during our time here, to the continuing pursuit of our careers in our larger communities, this book’s purpose is to hold memories for sentimental reflection. It was our intention that the design of the covers represented this by allowing each student to be able to select a book that reflected themselves and their time at Pratt.

2. Student portrait spread

3. Student portrait spread

    Over the course of this year, Prattonia has been a reason to meet 550 of our peers, a stressor that has taken hours of our lives, a reason form new connections and reinforce old ones, an archive that persisted despite the chaos of 2020 (as it’s designers were spread across the country), a social experiment, but most of all it has been a humble group project that started in a coffee shop in Brooklyn, and turned into a book that will travel the world to reach its intended audience.

On March 17th 2020, Prattonia was sent to print 1,000 copies at Highroad Press. On April 29th 2020, 600 more copies started printing at Highroad Press in order that every student graduating from Pratt Institute may be sent a copy via the mail. On June 25th 2020, 1600 copies of Prattonia were sent to the graduates of Pratt Institute’s Class of 2020 around the world.

4. Interior Cover - photos of students during the photoshoots

    The Prattonia 2020 team (to themselves, Prat20ia) was and continues to be a group of four students, friends and designers whose distinct voices can be found throughout the book. One favors the repetition of words, often filling a page with these ‘graphic elements’. Another adores and uses the color pink to add warmth to a page, something the team agrees suits them. The third is known for their meticulous use of grids and is also partial to the organizational use of a spreadsheet. And the last uses gradients so gratuitously they cannot even see a page with flat color. Together as students they faced their graduating year with gusto and pizzazz. Together as friends they shared laughter, drinks and tall tales to unwind. And together as designers, they worked tirelessly to make a book for their community at large.

5.  Introduction spread that demonstrated the three different voices throughout the book
6. A spread of the on-going black out poem that introduced Pratt and the graduating class

  1. Select spreads from Prattonia 2020
  2. Student portrait spread
  3. Student portrait spread
  4. Interior Cover - photos of students during the photoshoots
  5. Introduction spread that demonstrated the three different voices throughout the book
  6. A spread of the on-going black out poem that introduced Pratt and the graduating class



     Our existing definition of social infrastructure, as our relationship to space is shifting from physical to digital, must translate to an intentionally playful and experimental digital infrastructure. Through analyzing the design and formal qualities of open spaces for play, this project examines materiality, abstract form, openness, and comfort in order to propose guidelines for the design of digital playscapes. This parallel exploration between physical and digital playscapes defines the formal qualities of these spaces while allowing for freedom and experimentation of its users within these designed systems.

1. A collection of 5 pillow sculptures

    A set of 5 play pillows were designed and constructed to examine physical relationships between play and form and texture. These forms were inspired by organic and bodily forms to provide familarity and comfort. The forms and materials used in the play pillows informed the design of other elements of this project. The play pillows are accompanied by a 7ft x 7ft quilt that is decorated with textural elements and words from the Play Manifesto.  The playscapes website explores tactility and interactivity in a digital space through moveable elements, hyperlinks, and a mix between 3D, 2D, and physical objects.

2. Poster A for a play event and interactive designed experience
3. Poster B for a play event and interactive designed experience

4. A set of posters outlining the process for a 2020 thesis project on playscapes


5. A playful website that merges 3D spaces, with textures, images, interactivity, and sound

  1. A collection of 5 pillow sculptures
  2. Poster A for a play event and interactive designed experience
  3. Poster B for a play event and interactive designed experience
  4. A set of posters outlining the process for a 2020 thesis project on playscapes
  5. A playful website that merges 3D spaces, with textures, images, interactivity, and sound

Shelby Rashap

Strategist, Designer,
& Project Manager

Shelby Rashap is a strategist, designer, and pillow maker from New Mexico working in Brooklyn. At Tandem NYC, she works with progressive local and congressional candidates, non-profit organizations, and grass roots movement groups. In her spare time, she is sewing pillow sculptures, making silly websites, and teaching yoga.

